There are to many stories about how Children Services has ripped children from parents or grand parents homes. Every
so often these stories make it to a television program like the Montell show or Maury Povich show. Some
shows that have these type of programs always show only one side of the story. the side of CPS better known as the child
savers. Sad to say a lot of the stories are true to an extent. Parents need to get their side of the story out
so people can realize what is going on in this crazey world. Montell williams is the only one so far that I know of that will
tell the truth.
These children have been in foster care for almost 2 years dcfs has told
the parents they already have homes for them! One of these kids was placed with a registered sex offender.
When Dcfs was asked about this they refused to comment! This is not the first time this has happened to children. Instead
of giving them back to a mother that can and will love them the children are placed with child molesters!
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When a person fails to read or understand the constitution then we will live in a POLICE STATE!!